Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Protein Mocha "Frappuccino al Via"

I love this. I have it nearly every morning for breakfast. Its super-quick and I can drink it while I'm on my morning commute across the 520 and headed to Bothell. Here's what you'll need:

1 Premier Nutrition Protein Chocolate Shake (Costco)
1 cup ice
1 Starbucks Italian Roast Via Packet (Starbucks)

Put all three items in the a blender and blend until smooth. For variation, I use sugar-free coffee syrups to change the flavor. Just add the following:

Almond Joy - 2 pumps of Coconut, 1 pump Almond, 1 tbsp Cocoa
Mounds - 2 pumps Coconut, 1 tbsp Cocoa
Reese's PB Cup - 2 pumps Peanut Butter, 1 tbsp Cocoa

You'll find these syrups for about $4 per bottle at the Cash & Carry and the cocoa at any grocery store.

If you were to order this at Starbucks, you'd be looking at 370 calories and only 5 grams of protein. Not nearly enough protein to justify the 370 calories. If in a pinch, I'll take my PN chocolate drinks with me and have the barista blend them with ice and two shots of espresso.

Calories: 165 (175 w/ cocoa)
Fat: 3g (4g w/ cocoa)
Carbs: 6g (9g w/ cocoa)
Protein: 30g (31g w/ cocoa)

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